A Message from the Supreme Knight Carl Anderson. The novena can be download here.
Dear Brother Knight,
Following the pain, outrage and violence resulting from the tragic death of Mr. George Floyd, I send this message in a spirit of reconciliation, asking you to join me beginning this Sunday — the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity — in praying our Novena for National Unity & An End to Racism.
We should take to heart the words of Pope Francis. No one should “tolerate or turn a blind eye to racism.” We must all “defend the sacredness of every human life.” And we must redouble our efforts to overcome the suffering and injustice which result from the sin of racism. As we celebrate the perfect unity of the Blessed Trinity, we call upon all Knights and people of goodwill to join in prayer. Let us remember that, as Pope Francis says, “nothing is gained by violence and so much is lost.”
Our prayers are inspired by our legacy as Knights of Columbus — may we carry on in the same spirit of unity that has inspired the Order to welcome Catholic men of all backgrounds, regardless of race, from our very beginning. This is especially important as we move forward as “Knights of Columbus: Knights of Unity,” which was the theme of last year’s Supreme Convention.
As the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Time is cluttered with the wreckage of broken communities which have surrendered to hatred and violence. For the salvation of our nation and the salvation of mankind, we must follow another way.”
We pray that we all can follow this other way and come to understand that injustice to a black person is injustice to all; that regardless of race or culture, all people, without exception, are made in the image and likeness of God, and are deserving of our respect and love.
Please join me in offering this prayer for national unity and an end to racism. May we pray for the strength to learn from the courageous example of Dr. King and from the leadership of our Holy Father, and continue to work to build a society that recognizes the dignity and brotherhood of all.
As men of faith, let us together confidently turn to prayer during the nine days of this novena, beginning on Sunday, June 7, and concluding on Monday, June 15.
May God, through the powerful intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of the Civilization of Love, hear our prayer.
Carl A. Anderson
Supreme Knight
A message from the Grand Knight
Good evening Brothers,
In light of the recent events that have gripped our nation, I wanted to reach out with a message of support for you and your families.
First and foremost, please stay healthy and safe. If you need anything from O'Boyle Council, do not hesitate to reach out me. We will do everything we can to help you out. Our council's most important asset is our members. Each of you makes a unique and meaningful contribution to our council, and you are the reason that O'Boyle is as strong and vibrant as it has ever been. As always, Brother Knights are called to stand together in charity, unity, and fraternity. No amount of adversity has or will change that.
Second, I want to reiterate our support for our black brothers and sisters and our prayers for an end to the violence that has taken hold in our city and around the country. As Knights, we are called to follow in the footsteps of Christ and be the best Catholic men we can be. Our nation and our city are in pain, and to help our community heal, we Knights must lead by example. We are called to reject all forms of racism, bigotry, hatred, and violence. We must unite prayers for justice and peace with action. When you took your First Degree, you were reminded that the world needs Knights to be an example. That time is now - we need to be such men!
If you need anything, do not hesitate to reach out to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We will get through this challenge as we have gotten through all challenges - together. Please continue to pray for justice and peace in our nation and our city. And please continue to pray for and be there for each other. Be assured of my prayers for all of you.
Vicar Jesus!
We will have a virtual meeting this Wednesday at 7pm. Below is the information to either participate via Zoom or by phone.
Join Zoom Meeting
Ask This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for the meeting information.
During this crisis the Knights have been super active. Supreme has come out with the Leave No Neighbor Behind Program (https://www.kofc.org/en/news-room/leave-no-neighbor-behind/index.html). PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU NEED ANY SUPPORT AT THIS TIME, EVEN IF IT IS JUST SOMEONE TO TALK TO. Additionally, PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU HAVE IDEAS ON SAFE THINGS TO DO. We are only as successful as we can be if everyone pitches in.
Some things to do are
*Into the Breach Video and Reflection Journaling: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Wv4_eB-rMze_Gl8dFgQgPgnNbiEAIKPKZFC5aB1Vqvk/edit?usp=sharing
*Dropping off food at the St Mary's Food Bank and sharing photos with us.
*Stations of the Cross Coloring Book: https://www.kofc.org/en/resources/news-room/knightline/special-edition/coloring-the-way-cross.pdf
God bless and stay safe,
Your O'Boyle Council Leadership
A city locked down and a country without public masses cannot stop us Knights if we put our mind to it! O'Boyle Council's own Father Vincent made a side chapel in an entry way so people could pray. He also made it known food can be dropped off at the side chapel for a local food bank. Remember to pray for those suffering from the disease.
Just because the coronavirus has shut down the world doesn't mean we cannot do things. Here are two things to build the Kingdom of God within you and others.
FOOD DRIVE AT ST. MARY'S. St. Mary's in Chinatown has a side chapel open on the parking lot side where people can donate food to help the St. Francis Xavier Parish Food Pantry. Please consider going to St. Mary's and leaving food off after you pray. Additionally, send us selfies of you dropping off the supplies. The more photos we get the more we can promote others to do the same.
INTO THE BREACH ONLINE GROUP STUDY: Let's use the time locked in to build our spirituality. Go to our shared online journal and write down your thoughts after you watch each Knights of Columbus-produced Into the Breach videoes. Links are provided in the online journal which is available here.
Most councils and people are shutting down. Let's put this time to good use!
Vivat Jesus!
Your Council Leadership Team
Below are all the Into the Breach men's spiritual formation videoes. Let us know what interests you and how you would like the council to develop and proceed.
O'Boyle Knights joined forces with the DC State Council to have our members attend the new "unidegree" which is open to family and friends. The Knights continue reforms to make us even more family friendly.
Over $500 raised for charity and Knights took three out of the ten spots. Oh, and it was delicious!
Many thanks to those who made Adoration the night before March for Life and supported our parishes open houses for the marchers. Here's the Facebook updates
"Today, the Knights of Columbus is providentially positioned to play a key role in the new alliance between the Church and the family called for by Pope Francis … What is necessary now is our greater involvement in the renewal of parish and family life."
-Supreme Knight Carl Anderson