Good afternoon Brothers,
Thank you to everyone who helped out this past Friday with hospitality at St. Joseph's and St. Peter's for the March for Life! We began meeting at 4 AM at St. Peter's and went nonstop until about 6 PM. We also thank those who spent time with our Lord in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament for overnight Adoration at St. Peter's the night prior to the March for Life. We received a lot of positive feedback for planning and executing this service. Thank you to those who participated in the March for Life as we made a strong witness to the dignity and sanctity of human life.
Now that the March for Life is over, here are some upcoming events.
** DC Polar Plunge - please join your brother Knights on February 1 as we raise money for the Special Olympics. Cheer on your brother Knights as IPGK Jack Heretik belly flops into a pool of 33 degree water for charity. You can join in the jump or donate at:
**Memorial Mass for Claudia Nolan - Brother Kevin Nolan will hold a memorial Mass for Claudia, his late wife, on February 2. The Mass will take place at 2:00 PM at Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center (7007 Bradley Blvd., Bethesda, MD 20817). All are encouraged to attend to support Brother Kevin.
**Men's Discernment Retreat - From January 31 to February 2, the Saint JPII Shrine will host a men's discernment retreat. You can learn more about the retreat here:
**First Friday Adoration- Join the St. Joseph's Young Adults for First Friday Adoration on Friday, February 7th, beginning at 6:30pm. Mass and Fellowship to follow.
**DC State Combined Degree Ceremony- DC State Council will be hosting its first Combined Degree (you can acquire your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Degrees in one ceremony) on Saturday, February 8th. Mass will be celebrated at 4:30 PM followed by the ceremony at 5:30 PM. You will be able to invite your family and friends to attend this ceremony as this will be a public ceremony so that our family and friends can learn more about the mission of the Knights of Columbus.
**St. Dominic's Annual Chili Cookoff- St. Dominic's Parish will be hosting its annual Chili Cookoff on Saturday, February 15th, after the 5 PM Vigil Mass. Consider entering as O'Boyle Council has won this contest several times in the past!
As always, thank you for all you do for our parishes and our council. Please reach out to anyone of the leadership team if you have any questions, concerns, or ideas for future events.
Vivat Jesus!
Hello Brothers,
I hope you all had a joyous and restful Christmas. It was time well-deserved for relaxing and time with family.
Our brother Kevin Nolan informed us that he will have a Memorial Mass for his late wife, Claudia, tomorrow, December 28. The Mass will take place at 2:00 PM at Saint Andrew the Apostle in Silver Spring, MD.
All who are able are encouraged to attend in support of Kevin. If you are unable to attend, Kevin asked if we could all pause at 2:00 tomorrow to pray a Hail Mary or more for the repose of Claudia's soul. Please also pray for Kevin and his two sons.
I hope we are all able to attend or pray with Kevin tomorrow afternoon. As Brother Knights, we stand together to support one another in actions and in prayer. Thank you in advance for living out our order's mission and supporting our brother Kevin.
Vivat Jesus!
May this Advent season prepare you for Christmas. If you haven’t started, it’s still not too late to prepare.
First off, let us celebrate a most successful Saturday. O’Boyle Knights helped prepare the St Vincent de Paul foodbank which gave food to over 70 families yesterday, gave away over 150 coats to children, donated extra coats to Sweaters & Sustenance, witnessed Brother Daniel Bergin daughter’s baptism, set up the afterparty for the baptism, gave the $1,258 raised through NatsMass cookouts to the Father Andy, and enjoyed pizza together afterwards. Great job everyone!
Now to upcoming events!
***O’Boyle Crashes Holy Rosary’s New Year’s Eve Party*** On New Year’s Eve, Holy Rosary parish in DC will have a 6pm vigil mass (it’s a Holy Day of Obligation!). Following the mass, the parish will host a New Year’s Eve party with food, soft and hard drinks, a live band, and dancing. The $80 ticket for the event will help the parish cover the costs of the event. Let’s us know if you are coming and BE SURE TO BUY YOUR TICKET ONLINE FROM PGK’s Patrick, his wife, iPGK Jack, and DGK James are going and would love to enjoy the night with you.
***Monthly Meeting*** Wednesday, January 8 at 7pm in St. Dominic’s basement. Come join us and plan out activities, grow in the faith, and spend time with friends.
***March for Life Events*** March for Life is the major leagues for our council. This year it is on Friday, January 24. That means an evening set up will occur the day before for St. Peter’s and possible St. Joseph’s. Additionally, there are discussions about a possible all night adoration. And PGK Patrick will be hosting an overnight party of LivePD, board games, and food at his Navy Yard apartment for those who want an easy walk to the parishes in the morning. The day of we will surge to help our parishes entertain and minister to tens of thousands of people.
***Top Hats, Chapeaus, and Berets Special Olympics Polar Plunge on February 1*** Let’s make our fourth polar plunge our best and represent the Knights of Columbus with GK Patrick Roehm wearing an old regalia chapeau and cape, iPGK Jack wearing the old school regalia top hat, and PGK Patrick Abbott wearing the new regalia’s beret. If you join our team you have the option of wearing a top hat or beret. We want all Catholics and friends to be on our team so consider joining and bringing your wife/girlfriend, friends, and co-workers with you! One can join our team here ( or donate to our very own Father Bede’s page (
We hope to see you soon at some of our events! Also, please be sure to pay your dues ($31.20 at or, if you like to pay via $30 check we will be sending out notices and envelopes in the mail soon) and consider adding an extra $10 or $20 so we can surge our charity (any extra will be specially earmarked for charity)! We do not spend dues money on dinners or “nice to have things.” We spend it on charity, rosaries for new members, the required State Per Capita, and Supremes’ required Culture of Life per capita which advances pro-life causes. Help us do good work in 2020!
God bless and Vivat Jesus!
The Knights are strongly pro-life and support those showing a loving gospel. Check out this map of ultrasounds purchased and donated by the Knights (and find the one we gave to Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center!).
How to describe 2019? The charity of over $7,000 dollars donated to Coats for Kids, by NatsMass, and to our parishes’ renovation? The unity of prayer from our chaplain and programs such as the Advent Buddy? Or the fraternity of hanging out with each other at The Brig or looking out for a friend’s wife while he is deployed overseas? In truth, we spent our year doing all of these things, but they do not cover the complete work of O’Boyle Council. All of that was made possible by your generous contributions of time, talent, and treasure. I want to thank you all for taking part in our council activities this past year.
To those who were unable to join us, we would love to see you this coming year! Brother Knights are welcome at any event, and your families and friends are welcome at everything, except business meetings and degree ceremonies. If you cannot attend, we would love to stay in contact with you via Facebook, and also pray your prayer intentions, which can be placed via our council’s website.
O’Boyle Council is able to focus on our activities and avoid frequent fundraising because we keep council spending to a minimum. All of our events are possible because members like you pay dues. Dues for calendar year 2020 are $30 cash/check, or $31.20 via PayPal. ***Please also consider adding on an extra $10 or $20 donation to your payment. Anything extra will be specially marked for charity purposes only.***
You can pay online at Or you can send a check to our financial secretary.
Additionally, please fill out the Fraternal Survey Form Online: Thank you so much for all that you do for our parishes and our council. We are looking forward to a fantastic 2020 where our council can grow in charity, unity, and fraternity. Vivat Jesus!
"Today, the Knights of Columbus is providentially positioned to play a key role in the new alliance between the Church and the family called for by Pope Francis … What is necessary now is our greater involvement in the renewal of parish and family life."
-Supreme Knight Carl Anderson