Hello Brothers,
I hope you all had a joyous and restful Christmas. It was time well-deserved for relaxing and time with family.
Our brother Kevin Nolan informed us that he will have a Memorial Mass for his late wife, Claudia, tomorrow, December 28. The Mass will take place at 2:00 PM at Saint Andrew the Apostle in Silver Spring, MD.
All who are able are encouraged to attend in support of Kevin. If you are unable to attend, Kevin asked if we could all pause at 2:00 tomorrow to pray a Hail Mary or more for the repose of Claudia's soul. Please also pray for Kevin and his two sons.
I hope we are all able to attend or pray with Kevin tomorrow afternoon. As Brother Knights, we stand together to support one another in actions and in prayer. Thank you in advance for living out our order's mission and supporting our brother Kevin.
Vivat Jesus!