Polar Plunge was a success! We raised $1,565 dollars, had Grand Knight Nate Madden of St Cyprian Council join us in the effort as well, and jumped in ice cold water! All the money was raised via generous donors so thank you! Check out our attached team photo and the jump video on YouTube. Share it with your friends to show what a fun group we are. There is info in the video on how to join the Knights online as well! (
Also, check out GK Nate’s video for a great laugh.
Finally, as we continue to plan our future we want your input! Let us know what you want from the Knights! Want more options like an overnight retreat, group masses, different charity activities, scheduled social get togethers? Let us know!
Upcoming events (Feel free to suggest charity and social events, we need you to Make Knights Even Funner!)
*Third Degree – Saturday, 9 February at St John Paul II National Shrine at 3900 Harewood Road NE at 10:30. If you are interested in obtaining the third degree reply back so we can arrange your attendance.
*Council Monthly Meeting with Food and Drink Social Afterwards - Wednesday, 13 February at St Dominic's at 7pm. Beef stroganoff with King’s Hawaiian Rolls and drinks will be provided.
*Chili Cookout for Charity – Saturday, 23 February at St. Dominic’s at 6pm. We need help setting up and cleaning afterwards. All proceeds will go to the poor box. If you also cook a good chili and want to enter (last year we had three entries and a Knight won) contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
*First Friday - Friday, 1 March at St Joseph's from 6:30pm to 9pm - Confession, Adoration, Mass and Fellowship with food.
*Pasta Dinner at St Dominic’s – Penciled in for 9 March (Subject to Change) at St. Dominic’s at 6pm. We need help setting up and cleaning afterwards. All proceeds will go to the poor box.
*Council Monthly Meeting with Food and Drink Social Afterwards - Wednesday, 13 February at St Dominic's at 7pm. A food option with drinks will be provided.
*St Patrick’s Day Support – Saturday, 16 March at St. Peter’s starting at about 5pm. Man the bar, defend the food before the mass ends (a real battle), and collect donations!
*Spring Bowling Fundraiser - TBD in March/April
*Council Religious Retreat – TBD late February/March
Tell us which one you liked best!
Bowling night was a success and we will do another in the Spring! But now for the busiest Friday of the council’s year: March for Life. Below is where and when we need support plus information about the pizza party. Reply back if you can help out.
If you are a furloughed government worker who needs help with groceries or just someone to talk to, let us know immediately. Also, if you know anyone looking for short term employees let us know. Fraternity means nothing if we do not help each other!
*March for Life Support – Be sure to take and share with us photos of you helping out for our website. Reply back if you plan to help out and want to serve with others.
***Thursday at St. Peter’s from 4:30 to 6:30pm – Basement set up. Help prepare the basement of St. Peter’s. Afterwards we can grab a bite to eat.
***Friday at St. Peter’s – All day there will be things going on but the biggest crunch will be from 2 to 6pm where Knights are needed to serve food, drink, and handle the buses. Starting at 5pm there will be clean up as well.
***Friday at St. Joseph’s- Volunteers are needed beginning around 2:00pm until 5:30pm to help with hospitality.
***Post-March Pizza Party at St Vincent de Paul at 7pm - We came, we labored, we helped those marching for life. Now we feast on pizza and set around the basement of St Vincent de Paul tired while also enjoying a range of drinks. Family and friends welcome. Just RSVP so we can have enough.
*Wreaths Across America Cleanup – NEW DATE AND TIME, Saturday, 19 January at Arlington National Cemetery starting at 8:30. Help clean up wreaths on graves and then a social hour with food.
*First and Second Degree - Saturday, 26 January at St Dominic’s. Video first degree at 9:30am. For the second degree. candidates are asked to arrive between 10 and 10:30 AM and the degree is scheduled to start by 11 AM. All are asked to enter at the door upstairs at the priory office entrance on the 1st floor between the church and priory.
*First Friday - Friday, 1 February at St Joseph's from 6:30pm to 9pm - Confession, Adoration, Mass and Fellowship with food.
*Polar Plunge – Saturday, 2 February at Yards Park starting at noon. Raise funds for Special Olympics. Sign up to join us dunking in or donate at https://give.specialolympicsdc
*Council Monthly Meeting with Food and Drink Social Afterwards - Wednesday, 13 February at St Dominic's at 7pm. Beef stroganoff with King’s Hawaiian Rolls and drinks will be provided.
Vivat Jesus!
Your Council Leadership Team
Grand Knight Jack Heretik
Deputy Grand Knight Patrick Roehm
Financial Secretary Patrick Abbott
See you again next quarter for another bowling adventure!
Dear Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard and all others who spoke up for religious freedom,
Thank you for standing up for religious liberty in your recent opinion piece “Elected Leaders Who Weaponize Religion Are Playing a Dangerous Game,” Congresswoman Gabbard. Your letter joins a large segment of politicians who have voiced their support of freedom of religion. Religious liberty is a key pillar of this diverse country and we in the Capitol Hill-area Cardinal Patrick O’Boyle Council 11302 are thankful for these defenses of this right.
While we know you enjoy the warm waters of Hawaii, congresswoman, you as well as anyone else who is interested in or even concerned about the Knights of Columbus are more than welcome to join our council for the DC Polar Plunge Special Olympics event on February 2nd or any other charity event we conduct. It is by getting to know one another that we will be able to appreciate and respect one another more.
Thank you again for your opinion piece, congresswoman, and thank you to all others who have spoken up. Your words and actions show that religious freedom is valued by members of both political parties. The O’Boyle Council will proudly continue to practice this right and lovingly advocate for the complete Gospel.
Cardinal Patrick O’Boyle Council 11302 of Washington DC
Capitol Hill, Southwest Waterfront, and Navy Yard of Washington, DC
Are you a Catholic man in DC? Looking to be extremely charitable in 2019? Want a fun group of guys to hang out with? Whether it is the polar plunge, helping our parishes, cooking out, or defending the faith, O'Boyle Council wants to do it with you! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more info or sign up for council 11302 and use the code NEWKNIGHTYEAR for $5 off membership through January 7.
What a year! It started out with a dream of an ultrasound which became a reality in June. Then, the year ended not with the usually winter drawdown but with a surprising attack on the order by two senators who declared the Knights of Columbus’ beliefs “extreme”. Supreme issued a great statement decrying this while your very own O’Boyle Council issued an open letter inviting the senators to our events so they could see the great work we do first hand. The open letter caught on and FS Patrick was interviewed on Fox and Friends Sunday in what Supreme representatives declared an “excellent” interview (see video of the interview here https://youtu.be/I0FO5w5S190 ). Whether it is small things like putting together apartment furniture for brother knights or big things like defending the faith and saving lives, your O’Boyle Council is working hard.
Please remember dues payments make all our actions possible. You can pay $31.20 via PayPal (link on our website https://oboyle.dcknights.org/).
Here are the upcoming events! We look forward to having you join us! Let's us know if you can come at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
*First Friday - Friday, 4 January at St Joseph's from 6:30pm to 9pm - Confession, Adoration, Mass and Fellowship with food.
*Council Monthly Meeting with Food and Drink Social Afterwards - Wednesday, 9 January at St Dominic's at 7pm. Food and drink will be provided
*Family Holy Hour – Friday, 11 January at St Peter’s starting at 5:30pm. After the Holy Hour there will be a family-friendly reception with food and boardgames in the basement. St Peter’s requests a donation of $5 a person/$10 a family.
*Bowling Fundraiser – Saturday, 12 January at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling at 6pm. We’re bowling with our fellow Knights to raise money for the council. $20 buys you in (shoes, bowling, pizza, and non-alcoholic drink). Funds go to the council to do charity. Must let us know by Jan 4 if you are coming so we can get you on base!
*March for Life Support – Friday, 18 January at St Peter and St Dominic’s starting at 5am. We need support for setting up at St Peter's starting at 5am, St Joseph's at noon, and running hospitality and cleanup until 6pm. It's a big day! Greatest need for volunteers is from 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. St Peter’s also need a few folks to help with the set-up on Thursday, January 17th beginning at 4:30 p.m. It usually only takes an hour or so to set up the Hall -- a great way to help if you are not available to help on Friday.
*Wreaths Across America Cleanup - Sunday, 20 January at Arlington National Cemetery TBD. Help clean up wreaths on graves and then a social hour with food.
*Second Degree (Can do a video first degree beforehand as well) - Saturday, 26 January at St Dominic’s. Candidates are asked to arrive between 10 and 10:30 AM and the degree is scheduled to start by 11 AM. All are asked to enter at the door upstairs at the priory office entrance on the 1st floor between the church and priory.
*First Friday - Friday, 1 February at St Joseph's from 6:30pm to 9pm - Confession, Adoration, Mass and Fellowship with food.
*Polar Plunge – Saturday, 2 February at Yards Park starting at noon. Raise funds for Special Olympics. Sign up to join us dunking in or donate at https://give.specialolympicsdc.org/kofc
*Council Monthly Meeting with Food and Drink Social Afterwards - Wednesday, 13 February at St Dominic's at 7pm. Food will be provided.
Vivat Jesus!
Your Council Leadership Team
Grand Knight Jack Heretik
Deputy Grand Knight Patrick Roehm
Financial Secretary Patrick Abbott
While we haven't heard back from Senator Harris and Senator Hirono, we are still hoping to hear back from them concerning joining us for charity.
"Today, the Knights of Columbus is providentially positioned to play a key role in the new alliance between the Church and the family called for by Pope Francis … What is necessary now is our greater involvement in the renewal of parish and family life."
-Supreme Knight Carl Anderson