We will have a virtual meeting this Wednesday at 7pm. Below is the information to either participate via Zoom or by phone.
Join Zoom Meeting
Ask This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for the meeting information.
During this crisis the Knights have been super active. Supreme has come out with the Leave No Neighbor Behind Program ( PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU NEED ANY SUPPORT AT THIS TIME, EVEN IF IT IS JUST SOMEONE TO TALK TO. Additionally, PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU HAVE IDEAS ON SAFE THINGS TO DO. We are only as successful as we can be if everyone pitches in.
Some things to do are
*Into the Breach Video and Reflection Journaling:
*Dropping off food at the St Mary's Food Bank and sharing photos with us.
*Stations of the Cross Coloring Book:
God bless and stay safe,
Your O'Boyle Council Leadership