On Wednesday, the 25th of June, Grand Knight Jack Heretik and Past Grand Knight Patrick Abbott lead the dedication ceremony for the ultrasound at Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center. It took 90 days to raise enough funds for the machine because of donors from across the country. Bishop Dorsonville blessed the machine in front of donors and staff. DC was the last district in the United States which did not do an ultrasound initiative. Also, no pro-life pregnancy center had an ultrasound machine. Now all that has changed. Despite all the obstacles and doubts, GK Jack's vision succeeded because through unity we can do charity.
You can learn more about the dedication from these articles in the Catholic Standard and The Federalist.
Sir Knight Brother Otto Heck, who is the State Deputy for the District of Columbia and has served O'Boyle Council through roles such as Grand Knight and Financial Secretary, is now the proud father of a bouncing baby boy! Be sure to congratulate Sir Knight and Lady Heck and say hello to the baby if you can!
Edward Charles "Ed" DeverOn Monday, May 21, 2018; the beloved husband of Barbara Dever; father of Luke (Elizabeth) and Dr. John (Dr. Ramneek) Dever and the late Matthew Dever; brother of the late John Michael McNeilly. He is also survived by three grandchildren and many other relatives and friends. Relatives and friends are invited to Ed's Life Celebration at St. Dominic Catholic Church, 630 E St., SW, Washington, DC on Saturday, May 26, 2018 from 10 a.m. until Mass of Christian will be offered at 11 a.m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery.
Two articles have recently been published covering the the Church in Afghanistan and the ongoing work of the St. Martin de Tours Roundtable of the Knights of Columbus in collaboration with the Catholic Chapel at the Italian Embassy.
The First article, Afghanistan, 'the heart of martyred Asia', consecrated to Our Lady of Fatima, explains the recent consecration of Afghanistan to the care of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in bringing peace and a resolution to the current situation in Afghanistan.
The second article, The Church in Afghanistan, is an interview with Fr. Giovanni Scalese, CRSP about his mission to serve and minister to Catholics, Christians, and the country of Afghanistan. It is a very interesting read into the on-the-ground realities for a Catholic Priest in a conflict zone.
A life imaged could persuade a young mother not to abortPatrick Cardinal O'Boyle Council 11302 is leading the DC-wide effort to raise funds to purchase Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center an ultrasound. We have less than $10,000 to go out of a total cost of $29,500. Please consider making a tax-deductible gift today via the State Charity website.
Past Grand Knight and current State Adocate Otto Heck accepts the 2016-2017 District of Columbia State Council Culture of Life award from State Deputy Timothy Saccoccia at the 118th Annual Meeting of the Knights of Columbus in the District of Columbia.
Since Roe v. Wade legalized abortion in the United States in 1973, the Catholic Church and the Knights of Columbus have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to protecting the sanctity of human life.
For their outstanding service and dedication to building a culture of life, this year’s Culture of Life Activity Award went to Patrick Cardinal O'Boyle Council 11302.
Since its founding, Council 11302 has participated in the local preparations for the national March for Life which is held every January on or around the anniversary of the handing down of the Supreme Court's decision in Roe v Wade. Not only does the Council assist with planning and execution of hospitality events on Capitol Hill for pilgrims from around the country, the Council also holds regular diaper and bottle drives, and assists with clean-up efforts at the Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center. Further, the Council annualy provides volunteers for the DC Special Olympics and various youth programs - promoting the sanctity of life, particularly those who are most vulnerable.
Members of the Afghanistan Roundtable, sponsored by Patrick Cardinal O'Boyle Council #11302, continue their Charitable work in the name of the Order at Camp RS and in their surrounding community. Continuing their ministry for Knights and the Catholic community on base, the Roundtable has been collecting donated clothes, toys, food, toiletries, backpacks and school supplies which were donated to religious sisters of Saint Mother Theresa's Missionaries of Charity for their local mission.
May saw the departure of Sir Knight Jerry Farkas of Council at the end of his tour of duty. Jerry was the Roundtable's most active volunteer, organizing and driving our donations to the various nuns in Kabul, the Afghan Scouts, our shredded paper bricks for heating the homes of the poorest, our exemplifications, and our altar servers and readers. Fortunately, Jerry has named and trained five other volunteers to take up each of his key activities.
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Brother R's career
Ms. Betsy Poon (RIP)
Brother Kevin Nolan and for his wife (RIP)
"Today, the Knights of Columbus is providentially positioned to play a key role in the new alliance between the Church and the family called for by Pope Francis … What is necessary now is our greater involvement in the renewal of parish and family life."
-Supreme Knight Carl Anderson