Interested in becoming an officer to lead the council into the future? Contact us if any of the below positions interest you!
Grand Knight - Presides over all meetings, Appoints program and membership directors, Appoints committees as needed, Responsible for the council’s First Degree Team.
Deputy Grand Knight - Assists the grand knight with operation of the council and any other duties assigned to him by the grand knight, In the absence of the grand knight he presides at council meetings, Recommended to serve on the council’s Retention Committee.
Chancellor – Has the duty of strengthening the members’ interest in council activities, Assists the grand knight and deputy grand knight with their duties as assigned, Recommended to serve on the council’s Admission Committee. He is a deputy to the deputy grand knight and usually focuses on faith.
Recorder – Responsible for keeping and maintaining a true and permanent record of all actions of the council and maintains all correspondence of the council.
Treasurer - Charged with handling council funds, Receives money from financial secretary and deposits it in the proper council accounts, Responsible for paying all council expenses, including assessments from the Supreme Council.
Advocate - Acts as parliamentarian for the council, Should have a working knowledge of Robert’s Rules of Order, Charter, Constitution & Laws, council by-laws, and Method of Conducting Council Meetings (#10318), When needed, will seek legal assistance from the state advocate.
Warden – Responsible for supervising and maintaining all council property, Sets up council chambers for meetings and degree exemplifications, Oversees inside and outside guards Inside/Outside Guards, Attend the doors of the council chamber, checking for current membership cards and allowing entrance
Board of Trustees - Elected for a 3-year term. Supervises all financial business of the council and conducts the semiannual audits, Trustees are elected for terms of three years, two years and one year. At each regular election, the position of each trustee will be voted upon, with the current three- and two-year trustees moving on to become the two- and one-year trustees, respectively.
Appointed by the new grand knight: Chaplain (must be a Priest) and Lecturer.
Appointed by Supreme: Financial Secretary.