How to describe 2019? The charity of over $7,000 dollars donated to Coats for Kids, by NatsMass, and to our parishes’ renovation? The unity of prayer from our chaplain and programs such as the Advent Buddy? Or the fraternity of hanging out with each other at The Brig or looking out for a friend’s wife while he is deployed overseas? In truth, we spent our year doing all of these things, but they do not cover the complete work of O’Boyle Council. All of that was made possible by your generous contributions of time, talent, and treasure. I want to thank you all for taking part in our council activities this past year.
To those who were unable to join us, we would love to see you this coming year! Brother Knights are welcome at any event, and your families and friends are welcome at everything, except business meetings and degree ceremonies. If you cannot attend, we would love to stay in contact with you via Facebook, and also pray your prayer intentions, which can be placed via our council’s website.
O’Boyle Council is able to focus on our activities and avoid frequent fundraising because we keep council spending to a minimum. All of our events are possible because members like you pay dues. Dues for calendar year 2020 are $30 cash/check, or $31.20 via PayPal. ***Please also consider adding on an extra $10 or $20 donation to your payment. Anything extra will be specially marked for charity purposes only.***
You can pay online at Or you can send a check to our financial secretary.
Additionally, please fill out the Fraternal Survey Form Online: Thank you so much for all that you do for our parishes and our council. We are looking forward to a fantastic 2020 where our council can grow in charity, unity, and fraternity. Vivat Jesus!
For the fourth year in a row we are going to do the Polar Plunge! Come join us and invite all your friends!
Good evening my Brothers,
Over the past several months, many of you and your families prayed for our brother Kevin Nolan and his wife Claudia, as she battled cancer. I am sorry to deliver the news that Claudia peacefully returned to our Lord yesterday. At the time of her passing, Kevin was holding her hand and praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
I ask all of you to please keep Kevin and his two sons in your prayers during this extremely difficult time. Additionally, please pray for Claudia, and the safe journey of her soul to heaven. Finally, I ask that all of us be as available to support Kevin however you are able.
As Knights, we have an obligation to stand with our Brothers at all times. That means we can enjoy each other's company in our happiest moments, but also means we help raise each other up in moments like this. We often talk about charity, unity, and fraternity in our meetings and degree ceremonies. Claudia's passing will demonstrate to our council how those values are alive in our lives. Just as our forefather Knights were there for the families of their Brother, so too will we be there for Kevin and his family.
We will share information about the Memorial Mass as soon as it becomes available. Until then, please keep Brother Kevin and his family in your prayers in the coming days.
Patrick Roehm
Grand Knight, O'Boyle Council
Need Prayer? Click the link and we will pray for you.
Current Prayer Requests:
Brother R's career
Ms. Betsy Poon (RIP)
Brother Kevin Nolan and for his wife (RIP)
"Today, the Knights of Columbus is providentially positioned to play a key role in the new alliance between the Church and the family called for by Pope Francis … What is necessary now is our greater involvement in the renewal of parish and family life."
-Supreme Knight Carl Anderson