Good evening my Brothers,
Over the past several months, many of you and your families prayed for our brother Kevin Nolan and his wife Claudia, as she battled cancer. I am sorry to deliver the news that Claudia peacefully returned to our Lord yesterday. At the time of her passing, Kevin was holding her hand and praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
I ask all of you to please keep Kevin and his two sons in your prayers during this extremely difficult time. Additionally, please pray for Claudia, and the safe journey of her soul to heaven. Finally, I ask that all of us be as available to support Kevin however you are able.
As Knights, we have an obligation to stand with our Brothers at all times. That means we can enjoy each other's company in our happiest moments, but also means we help raise each other up in moments like this. We often talk about charity, unity, and fraternity in our meetings and degree ceremonies. Claudia's passing will demonstrate to our council how those values are alive in our lives. Just as our forefather Knights were there for the families of their Brother, so too will we be there for Kevin and his family.
We will share information about the Memorial Mass as soon as it becomes available. Until then, please keep Brother Kevin and his family in your prayers in the coming days.
Patrick Roehm
Grand Knight, O'Boyle Council