Because of generous donations and funds from Pasta Night, O'Boyle Council just ordered $2,400-worth of coats for Coats for Kids. Look for photos of the coats being given away laer this month!
This past Saturday the council raised $519 for the poor box and Coats for Kids at the St Dominic's Pasta Supper. Good times were had by all and everyone ate well.
Last year the Knights kicked off a wild dream of raising funds to buy Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center an ultrasound machine. The goal was reached in 90 days. This year we were honored at the 2018 gala for our service to save lives.
Twenty-four years, twenty-four Star Council Awards for service and growth!
Upcoming events for October. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you want to be a part of the fun!
***St Peter’s Money Counting***
The Knights money counting team for St Peter’s collection will meet at 6:30pm this Tuesday (2nd). We give this service once a month and it’s a great way to do something and spend an hour with fellow Knights.
***Monthly Meeting***
Our monthly business meeting will be held on Wednesday, 10 October at 7pm in the basement of St Dominic’s. Besides the usual business talk and food afterwards, we’ll start off another spiritual formation program: Into the Breach. Also, bring any beer/pop can tabs and be prepared to discuss how to raise funds for St Peter’s capital campaign.
***Third Degree***
There will be a third degree this month. Information below and contact us if you want to take the degree!
Date: Saturday, October 13, 2018
Location: Hand Chapel on GWU's Mt. Vernon Campus, Webb Building, 2100 Foxhall Rd NW
Report Location: West Hall
Candidates Report: 9:45am - 10:00am (No later than)
3rd Degree Seating: 10:15am for all current 3rd Degree Knights (Doors Sealed)
Degree Begins: 10:30am
Parking: Free Parking will be made available in the parking garage to the immediate right upon entrance to campus.
Attire: Attire: Business / Business-Casual with Coat and Tie, KofC Lapel Pin
Notes: Candidates MUST have current membership card (Or FS/GK Letter) to be admitted.
***Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center Gala***
O’Boyle Council and the Knights of Columbus are being honored for the ultrasound we got CHPC this year at its annual gala on Thursday, November 1st starting at 7pm. The director has asked Knights and family to attend. We’re even going to get a table. No cost for a seat but this is a fundraising dinner so please consider support CHPC! Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you plan on attending. So far seven people are in so come join us!
***St Dominic’s Spaghetti Dinner for the Poor Box***
The Knight of Columbus are hosting a Spaghetti Supper on Saturday, November 3rd at 6:00 p.m. The suggested donation is $12 per person, $25 for a family. The proceeds will benefit the poor box. Contact us if you can help out with cooking. If not, please come and have a meal with us (and we’ll put you to work with cleanup).
***Be on the lookout for…***
It’s not scheduled yet but
*St Vincent de Paulalooza: Gardening, cleaning the yard up for the winter, enjoying food with Father Andy, and giving him the NatsMass money.
*Trip with Father Bede to Northern Virginia plant trees for nuns. How cool does that sound?
Despite several rainouts the Knights managed to raise over $1,250 this year for St Vincent de Paul. The last cookout had rain but it people still showed up for food and felllowship.
Need Prayer? Click the link and we will pray for you.
Current Prayer Requests:
Brother R's career
Ms. Betsy Poon (RIP)
Brother Kevin Nolan and for his wife (RIP)
"Today, the Knights of Columbus is providentially positioned to play a key role in the new alliance between the Church and the family called for by Pope Francis … What is necessary now is our greater involvement in the renewal of parish and family life."
-Supreme Knight Carl Anderson